It's probably safe to say that this election season has taken a toll on every single one of us. Regardless of our leanings, the rollercoaster has been a bit much. It's worth disconnecting from it all for a while and trying to still our panicked minds with some simple mindful meditation exercises.
If we're able, taking a full day away from it all is ideal. Take a hike somewhere and get far from the maddening crowds. If that's not possible, short breaks can take us out of the emotional spin and calm these tweaked nervous systems.
What seems to be the most simple part of mindful meditation is actually the most difficult: breathing. When we're stressed, our breathing becomes more shallow. We're gasping for air even though we're not fully aware of it. Trying to breathe deeply might take a few tries because our bodies are in fight-or-flight mode.
A simple way to begin a meditative practice is a 5 - 5 - 7 breath. Find a comfortable seated position (if possible - though this can be done anywhere) and inhale to the count of five. At the top of the inhale, hold for a count of five, and then exhale to the count of 7. Try to keep both inhale and exhale smooth. Notice any points that feel jangly and try to smooth them out. Depending on stress levels, it might take a few rounds before the breath becomes more fluid and even.
There are several apps that offer guided meditation to help focus on mindfulness, but the 5 - 5 - 7 breathing is a good start. Let's try to remind ourselves to be in the moment and pull ourselves out of the worry.
Guided movement can also help relieve stress and grief. Click here to learn more.